Q: Where are you from?

A: Portland, CT

Q: How did you choose this career path?

A: I am really into how the mind works and think of paid media as the psychology of consumerism.

Q: What do you like most about your job?

A: Collaborating with clients and finding synchronicity in data that can make my clients money. I love being able to give value to people!

Q: What is your favorite part of being a member of the ZGM team?

A: The community, I am so grateful to be working with such great minds. I can confidently say I work for one of the top marketing agencies.

Q: What is the strangest job you've ever had?

A: When I lived in Italy I was a lead generator for an excursion company and also worked with local sustainability organizations to hold service trips. I barely spoke Italian!

Q: What is your favorite quote?

A: “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” ― Albert Einstein

Q: Do you have any pets?

A: I have a st. bernard that the pound said they rescued from Walmart. His name is Wally.

Q: Do you have any hobbies outside of work?

A: Holistic wellness so yoga, exercise, cooking, reading, and hiking.

Q: What's your favorite food? Least favorite food?

A: My favorite food is chicken parmesan and least favorite is pickles.

Q: Pick three words to describe yourself.

A: Authentic, optimistic, dedicated

Q: Favorite musician?

A: Dominic Fike

Q: If you were a Crayola Crayon, what could would you be?

A: Baby Blue because it reminds me of tranquillity and limitless potential

Q: You're about to perform in a karaoke bar. What song do you pick?

A: We Are Young - fun

Q: If you could live in a TV show, book, or movie, which one would you pick?

A: Probably the Alchemist by Paulo Coehlo, which is a story about purpose and finding your path.

Q: If you could hang out with anyone for a day, alive or dead, who would it be and why?

A: Leonardo Da Vinci, he was dedicated to his craft and invented technology hundreds of years ahead of his time. He also did not disclose everything he knew to the public and if he did would have advanced science exponentially.

Paid Media Strategist

Jacob Coleman

Jacob joined Zero Gravity Marketing in February of 2022. He is an experienced digital marketer with an emphasis on paid media. Jacob is originally from CT, but has been living the digital nomad lifestyle in Philadelphia, Rome, New York, and California for the last 5 years. After settling back in CT, Jacob wanted to join an agency that focused more on the community aspect (since that had been lost with his years of traveling). Finding ZGM was a dream come true and he looks forward to growing his career as a part of the team! In his downtime, you can find Jacob reading books, going on adventures, and practicing yoga.

ZGM Awards & Recognition

StackAdapt programmatic certified
Inc5000 2021 logo
MOZ recommended company 2023
Top Work Places 2021
Google partner
CDAC Award