R2A Watches Case Study

Since 1999, R2A has been the exclusive retailer of top European-style watch brands like Vostok-Europe and Sturmanskie. A renowned watch brand with over 20 years of business experience, R2A came to Zero Gravity Marketing for retail support during the pandemic.

The Challenge

Originally named "Russia 2 All," this name posed complications with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. As a result of Russia's invasion, R2A's revenue crashed in April of 2022. To re-brand R2A and support new sales during this unsteady socio-political climate, the team at Zero Gravity Marketing was tasked with developing a digital strategy to market this brand to audiences in a different way.


While our team performed solely Pay-Per-Click (PPC) efforts to help overcome the R2A's branding challenges, this huge jump in revenue was a direct result of ad copy. First, we tested several different promotions with various campaigns but saw only minor increases in engagement. It wasn't until our team made changes to the actual ad copy that we saw considerable results.

Our ad copy strategy leveraged high-performing, product-related search terms to boost brand and product visibility within the search engine result pages (SERPs). Our copywriting team also strategized how to better communicate these products and the benefits of buying with R2A to users. We leveraged the brand's unique value propositions in conjunction with their discounts ("up to XX% off," for example) to drive consumer interest and purchasing intent.

When it came to increasing year-over-year revenue, leveraging seasonality, holidays, and special offers in ad copy campaigns contributed to huge jumps in sales, as well. As a result of our PPC efforts, in just seven months, R2A's revenue growth experienced about a 700% increase between April 2022 and November 2022.

Return on Asset Spend

The first figure below measures monthly return on ad spend (ROAS) – aka, the revenue generated through transactions based on the ad spend used. After using the same amount of spend and adjusting the ad copy we increased our return from 71% to 365% in November.

R2A Watches Revenue Growth 1
This graph shows the number of purchases per month. These graphs showcase the efficiency of ad spending in the ROAS metric and the relevancy of offers through an increase in the number of overall transactions.
R2A Watches Revenue Growth 2
R2A Watches case study



Monthly revenue experienced a 399.916% increase between October 2022 and November 2022


ROAS increased from 0.77% in October to 10.23% in November, improving return by 10%. This showcases how relevant messaging gets you a better return on investment


Changes to ad copy exceeded the client’s revenue goal by 5x


PPC efforts saw the greatest boost in revenue ever for R2A

Services Performed

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