Digital Marketing for Nonprofits
ZGM’s History with Nonprofits
Our team at Zero Gravity Marketing has expertise in collaborating with nonprofit organizations to achieve their goals. We work with organizations like yours throughout the entire process: from setting the foundation to analyzing the end results. We offer an array of services, such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Website Design, and Creative Operations.

Our Marketing Approach for Nonprofits

Step-By-Step Guide to Digital Marketing for Nonprofits & 501-C3’s
What is Nonprofit Marketing? Each nonprofit organization has its unique tactics, long- and short-term visions, and methods of inspiring its members. However, every nonprofit needs a strategy and mechanism to expand influence and evoke positive change. Extending your nonprofit’s base to attract new donors, volunteers, or big-time funders needs to be done methodically through a…

Best Practices for Nonprofits to Improve SEO
Every organization (no matter the type or size) requires a visible online presence. Even nonprofits compete for people’s attention and donations via website content. The best way for your website to succeed is by using search engine optimization (SEO). Now, you’re probably wondering, “What is SEO for nonprofits?” Simply put, it optimizes a nonprofit website…