Categories: Spotlight

Alyssa Anderson, Content Strategist

Zero Gravity Marketing has risen above the competition to become a top digital marketing firm in Connecticut, and we credit it to our unique, diverse team. We appreciate every player, and we know that without him or her, we wouldn’t be the successful marketing firm we are today.

With this in mind, we have launched an Employee Spotlight initiative. Our hope is that, as you learn more about each of the talented individuals at our marketing firm, you will gain further insight into why we are so great together.

Today, we are thrilled to introduce Alyssa Anderson, Content Strategist. We have asked her a few questions to provide an insider’s look as to what makes Alyssa tick. Enjoy!

Alyssa Anderson, Content Strategist

Where are you from?

Madison, CT – I’ve lived here all my life.

How did you choose this career path?

I always knew I wanted to write and be creative. Since I like to be kept busy and on my toes all the time, I figured a Marketing agency where I can work with all different types of clients and people would be the perfect place for me. And so far, I’m loving it!

What do you like most about your job?

I get to help people in all different industries come up with strategies for their content. Putting thoughts and ideas to paper has always been a passion of mine and now I get to help other people make their content the best it can be.

What is the strangest job you’ve ever had?

I used to work at the WWE – It was quite the experience.

What is your favorite part of being a member of the ZGM team?

The work environment. These people have become my second family and they make coming to work that much more enjoyable.

What is your favorite quote?

“Everything happens for a reason” – I think about this every day and I truly believe it.

Do you have any pets?

Yes! I have three cats. One of them is mine but he lives with my parents, so my mom likes to claim him as her own.

Do you have any hobbies outside of work?

I love to go spinning (stationary bicycle riding) and visit all the wineries around the state – there’s so many of them! I’m also the biggest Bruins fan and go to as many games as I can.

What’s your favorite food? Least favorite food? 

I seriously love all food, but if I had to choose I’d say pasta. I could eat it every day for the rest of my life. My least favorite food, peas – they just look gross.

Name one thing on your bucket list.

I want to go ziplining through a rainforest so badly! Probably Costa Rica or someplace like that.

What would you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?

This job! I’ve always loved writing and I have been for years. Here at Zero Gravity, I’ve been given the opportunity to head my own content department, which is huge for me. I get to talk with the clients, shape their content campaigns in a way that meets their company vision, and make the department my own. I feel like this is what I’ve been working towards throughout my Marketing career. It’s such a great opportunity and I’m so grateful to have come across it.

Favorite musician?

I LOVE Florida Georgia Line. They’re my all-time favorite

Pick three words to describe yourself.

Loyal, Honest, Positive.

You’re about to perform in a karaoke bar. What song do you pick?

“Everybody” by The Backstreet Boys.

If you could live in a TV show, book, or movie, which one would you pick?

Fast and Furious – I want to travel around, drive cool cars, and chase bad guys. What a life to live, am I right?


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ZGM Technology