Categories: Paid Media

Global AdWords PPC Campaign

10 Tips for Going Global with AdWords

Taking a business global is easier than ever, but operating a PPC campaign can be completely different depending on which country is the target. These 10 tips will help companies of all sizes make the most of their global AdWords account.

1. Put AdWords Tools to Use

With Google Analytics and the Keyword Planner, identify where people are searching for a specific product/service. These locations make an ideal first attempt at a global PPC campaign since there is already expressed interest.

2. Complete Export Research

After determining the best target markets, make sure these areas are accessible. Local laws, payment methods, customs, insurance, and international shipping are worthwhile subjects to research. Companies should also make sure the AdWords products they want to use are offered in that country.

3. Choose the Easy Markets First

Since a global PPC campaign is a completely different ballgame, it’s wise for companies to begin in a country with similarities to their own country. Without language or culture barriers to get in the way, these markets provide excellent AdWords testing opportunities.

4. Mimic Local Tactics

It’s one thing to translate an AdWords campaign into another language, but in most situations, that’s not enough. To be successful, a global PPC campaign should consider the preferences of the locals when it comes to colors, research methods, technology, selling strategies, and more.

5. Replicate an Existing PPC Campaign

The best way to approach a global AdWords campaign is to use a PPC structure that has already been proven. That way, there is a baseline to refer to, and it will be clear whether the country is responding in the expected way or not.

6. Make Customized Goals

Every market across the world is different, so it makes no sense to use the same goal for all of them. Each country should have its own goal based on competition, costs of goods, and user value.

7. Use a Consistent Structure

There are many ways to set up a global AdWords campaign. It doesn’t matter which one is chosen, as long as it remains consistent from campaign to campaign. For example, advertisers can use a separate account for each country, a separate account for each language, or a separate account for each country and product (there are many more options for organization, these are just some of the most common).

8. Stick to the Same Naming System

It’s just easier to manage and analyze global PPC campaigns if the naming system is consistent from country to country, all in the same language.

9. Employ Automation

As the global PPC campaign expands, it may become next to impossible to manage the keywords manually. Luckily, AdWords offers several automated tools (e.g. automatic bidding and ad customizer) that should be put to good use.

10. Test New Markets with Tools

The automation tools in AdWords aren’t just great for managing existing PPC campaigns; they can also be an invaluable way to test new markets. Several tools, such as Dynamic Search Ads, Display Campaign Optimizer, and Shopping Ads, don’t rely on keywords to get quantifiable results. Running tests with these AdWords options is a low-risk way to see if a new country could be a profitable target for a PPC campaign.


With all of the options available to companies today, there is no reason not to test out new markets with the help of a global AdWords campaign. For help getting a global PPC campaign started, contact Zero Gravity Marketing today.

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ZGM Technology