If you think Twitter is only for companies that are selling directly to consumers, you are greatly mistaken. In fact, Twitter may be the secret goldmine to your B2B company’s success – that is, as long as you use it correctly. But before we get into that, let’s talk about why Twitter is a must for your marketing repertoire.
What can Twitter do for my B2B Company?
Better Leads – In fact, studies show that Twitter produces 80% of the leads gained through all social media channels. Not only does it put you in front of your potential customers, it also helps your sales team do a little investigation before a meeting.
Increased Traffic – Do a quick search on Twitter for the companies you want to become your customers. Chances are, they are on Twitter and active. These are the people that will click on your posts and check out your website. If your ideal B2B contacts are there, shouldn’t you be?
Improved Branding – Everything you do online affects your brand, and by not being on Twitter, you may actually be hurting yourself. These days, you are expected to be on social media, and if you are not, you are behind the times. Your potential customers will wonder what else you are lacking on.
Instant Connections – Instead of stalking someone’s website, sending them emails, or making a cold call, you simply have to reply to one of their tweets. Bam! You just got a new connection that cost you nothing and only took a minute of your time.
How can I get the most from my Twitter usage?
Post Frequently – Your goal on Twitter is to engage your followers while getting them to like and trust you. You can’t accomplish this if you are absent the majority of the time. With Twitter, you can post as many as 14 times per day before getting annoying.
Cross Promote – With Twitter, you can easily share your new blog posts to an anxious and interested audience. You can also encourage readers to tweet your blogs after reading them. See, Twitter and your website really do work hand in hand.
Interact Regularly – While it is beneficial to post, you can increase your new business potential by actually conversing with your followers. If someone replies to one of your tweets, respond. When you get something retweeted, send a simple thanks. You should also seek out the Twitter feeds of your potential clients and reply to their posts.
Incorporate Hashtags – If you are not familiar with hashtags, you are missing out. These are the secret to getting your posts in front of a much wider audience than your followers. Hashtags are keywords that people can search for on Twitter. Seek out which hashtags are trending and think of relevant tweets you can create to incorporate them. Every tweet you send out should include at least one hashtag. #Seriously #YouWontBelieveHowWellTheyWork #TwitterRocks
Stay Under Max – You are probably aware that each tweet is limited to 140 characters. This includes everything, from your hashtags to your links to your mentions of other people. As a general rule, you will want to stay below 120 characters so that people can retweet without any editing, and you also want to make sure you use shortened URLs when linking out.