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What are Long Tail Keywords?

What are Long Tail Keywords?

Long-tailed keywords are extended and more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they are closer to making a purchase or when using voice search. Unlike short-tail keywords, which are broad and highly competitive, long-tailed keywords are longer, more specific, and generally have lower search volume. For example, “digital marketing” is…

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Google’s Helpful Content Update

Google’s Helpful Content Update

In all the shifting updates and modifications online, Google’s Helpful Content Update has undergone a big change. This update shows that Google is shifting in strategy, moving from a primarily keyword-based approach to rewarding content that benefits the reader. Marking a critical change in content marketing strategies, you’ll find this update places importance on content…

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What is the Best Time to Post Videos on YouTube?

What is the Best Time to Post Videos on YouTube?

Finding the best time to post videos on YouTube can impact your channel’s performance. As the second most popular search engine, with over 2.5 billion account logged-in users per month, YouTube is a marketing gold mine. By understanding the optimal times to upload a YouTube video, you can elevate your visual marketing game! Learning the…

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New Content vs Refreshing Content: Which is Best for SEO

New Content vs Refreshing Content: Which is Best for SEO

Every so often in the digital marketing world, you find yourself at a familiar crossroads: should you create new content or refresh the old? Believe it or not, both strategies have the potential to help your online marketing efforts! While new content may attract fresh eyes and boost your SEO, updating existing content can be…

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Mastering Product Descriptions: 7 Strategies for Crafting Compelling & Effective Copy

Mastering Product Descriptions: 7 Strategies for Crafting Compelling & Effective Copy

E-commerce product descriptions play a pivotal role in turning casual browsers into committed buyers. Not only do they inform potential customers about your offerings, but well-crafted product descriptions also enhance your website’s SEO, giving you a competitive edge. Keep reading to learn why an ecommerce websites’ product descriptions are so important for SEO and how…

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What is the Marketing Funnel?

What is the Marketing Funnel?

In digital marketing, the marketing funnel serves as a blueprint to understand the potential customer’s journey from first awareness of the brand to the final purchase stage. This framework simplifies the process of converting a stranger into a lifelong, loyal customer. The marketing funnel, whether used for B2B or B2C, consists of multiple stages: Awareness…

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What is Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome it?

What is Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome it?

“I don’t belong here” “I don’t know what I’m doing” “How am I supposed to know that?” If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, you might be experiencing Imposter Syndrome. Imposter syndrome is that psychological phenomenon where you doubt your accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a “fraud”. According to a…

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6 Main Digital Marketing Types

6 Main Digital Marketing Types

In today’s digital age, understanding and implementing various types of digital marketing is crucial for any business looking to thrive. As more consumers turn to the internet for information on products and services, digital marketing becomes indispensable in educating and engaging with your audience. Let’s explore the six main types of digital marketing, their pros…

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What is the Future of SEO?

What is the Future of SEO?

Gone are the days when search engine optimization (SEO) was simply about filling websites with keywords and links. Today, with Google’s frequent algorithm updates and the evolving behavior of online searchers, SEO stands at an interesting point in its evolution. It’s a landscape punctuated by rapid change and growing complexity, compelling marketers and businesses to…

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