Effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The 10 Best Onsite SEO Tips
The SEO world changes frequently. What was considered effective search engine optimization for your website last month may be business suicide today. But keeping up with all of the dos and don’ts for your website can be daunting, and it is absolutely time consuming. Since we know you have plenty of other things you could be doing, we thought we would help you out and put all of today’s best onsite tips for effective search engine optimization all in one place. You’re welcome.
Tip 1: Help Your Reader
The content you post must offer some kind of value to the reader. It should solve a problem, make something easier, or provide insight into the industry. Your articles are not the place to be too promotional—that’s what the other webpages are for.
Tip 2: Compose Keyword-rich Title Tags
Every single page should contain a title tag that includes your keywords, and according to Moz, they should be between 55 – 70 characters long. Only about 55 characters will actually show up on the SERPs.
Tip 3: Include ALT tags with Every Image
When you add a photo to your postings, don’t ignore the ALT tag. Not only is this effective search engine optimization, as it gives you another chance to use your keywords, it is also what people will see when the image doesn’t load on their screen (or when a screen reader is being used).
Tip 4: Ensure Your URL Matches the Content
Your URL should never be overlooked. It should contain your keywords, be easy to read and remember, and accurately describe what the page talks about. For example, take a look at this URL. It’s obvious this page covers our PPC advertising services.
Tip 5: Utilize Internal Linking
When you mention other aspects of your business, always make sure to link to the relevant pages on your site. This makes it easier for the user to gather information, and it also helps you have effective search engine optimization.
Tip 6: Build Your Local Presence
When your target market is the people in your town, it is more important than ever to create a strong presence online. Take the time to build up your Google Plus page, Yelp profile, and any other local directories your city may offer. People are using search tools to find everything from electricians to home care aides, and if the locals can’t find you easily, then you don’t stand much of a chance.
Tip 7: Create a Sitemap and Submit It
While you can cross your fingers and hope Google can find you, it’s probably a better idea to give them your sitemap. This way, they will easily be able to crawl your site and can categorize it appropriately.
Tip 8: Incorporate Responsive Design
People aren’t just viewing your site from a desktop anymore. Effective search engine optimization includes making sure that your website is responsive. So when they check it out from their phones or tablets it will still be easy to view. If it’s not, they may give up and move on.
Tip 9: Post High-quality, Interesting Content
If nobody wants to read what you are writing, then it defeats the entire purpose. Sure, it helps with your SEO, but it is also a paramount way to prove that you are the industry expert. Plus, if it’s not useful and well written, Google won’t want to show it to anybody.
Tip 10: Update Your Content Regularly
Google always aims to show their users the most relevant information, so if you wait too long between postings, you will quickly fall out of the race.
Please contact us to help you navigate the most effective search engine optimization and to stay up-to-date with current onsite SEO strategies.