Digital marketing is always evolving, but Pay-Per-Click (PPC) remains one of the most effective options for reaching new customers. This umbrella term references any setup in which advertisers pay specific platforms to direct traffic to their sites. While traditionally associated with Google, this increasingly versatile marketing approach can also involve Bing, Facebook, Instagram, and more.
The content highlighted in PPC ads provides a powerful first impression. This, in turn, determines whether potential customers are interested enough to click through – and whether they take further action upon arriving at the designated landing page. Poorly written copy will fail to generate a consumer response and, ultimately, could waste your marketing budget.
Not sure how to write good PPC ad copy? Follow these tips to improve ad quality and secure those much-needed clicks:
Use Memorable Headlines and Relatable Content to Keep Customers Interested
The headline is the most important element of your PPC ad. It should be punchy, concise, and relevant. Most importantly, it should instantly convey how readers stand to benefit from clicking. Supplementary content, such as description lines and display URLs, should be consistent with the general tone of the headline.
Aim for Relevance Between Your Ad Copy and Landing Page Content
Traffic is critical, of course, but what happens when visitors arrive at your website? If the landing page is not consistent with your PPC ad copy, they are likely to jump ship long before they can be transformed into repeat customers.
Today’s impatient internet users hate when websites defy expectations. Their displeasure will be reflected not only in your site’s ensuing lack of conversions but by a notable drop in traffic and associated rankings, too.
Showcase Top Features and Benefits via Ad Extensions
Ad extensions provide a powerful opportunity for getting prospective customers on board. These tools allow you to highlight important details that might otherwise be left out of standard ad copy. They can be customized based on your unique needs and what you anticipate will drive the greatest customer response.
Perhaps most importantly, extensions free up valuable space to be dedicated to the most critical aspects of your ad’s copy. Because they are underutilized in many campaigns, they can help you gain a crucial edge over the competition.
Highlight How Your Products and Services Stack Up Against the Competition
In all likelihood, your ad will appear alongside listings for top competitors. How will it stack up if internet users spot competing ads displayed side-by-side? This is your opportunity to explain why your products and services are preferable – and why your ad deserves that all-important first click.
Check Out Competitor Ads for Inspiration
It’s important to be aware of competing ads, but simply knowing that they exist isn’t good enough. Instead, do your research. Use specific search terms to determine which ads will appear when consumers seek out key products and services offered by your business.
Directly copying competitor content or concepts is out of the question. Still, these ads can provide valuable insight into which tactics are most likely to appeal to target consumers – and which are capable of driving them away. Look closely at headlines and keyword integration to see where you can rise above the competition.
Use Keywords to Increase Search Relevance
Keywords are crucial. Aim to include at least one in your headline and another in the ad’s copy. Long-tail keywords tend to enjoy less competition but should be incorporated naturally to keep your ad from sounding awkward.
Include a Call-to-Action
Internet users are notoriously fickle. They need a clear motivation to get involved with your brand. Give them a nudge with a call-to-action that communicates exactly how you want them to proceed. Examples could include “shop now” or “request a quote.” Include time-related language to deliver greater urgency.
Double-Check That Your Ads Follow All Guidelines
If your ads fail to comply with the specific guidelines supplied by Google and Bing, you can kiss traffic and conversions goodbye. No matter how compelling your content seems at the outset, it will be squashed by search engine algorithms if it clearly breaks the rules.
Work with an Expert PPC Team
Ready to unleash the power of digital advertising? These PPC ad copy tips are only the beginning. The team at Zero Gravity Marketing can help you drive better results while avoiding common PPC headaches. Contact us today to get started!