Ranking Factors for Voice Search

With more than half of local searches starting with phrases such as, “Hey, Siri” or “Hey Google,” it only makes sense that your brand should try to capitalize on Voice Search Optimization. For many marketers, the mere idea of getting started with this sort of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy can feel overwhelming. Not to worry — the SEO strategists at Zero Gravity Marketing (ZGM) are here to help you get started.

What is Voice Search Optimization?

Voice Search Optimization employs natural language for consumers when they ask a question into their smart devices. This means the content written to optimize voice searches needs to be fluid and come across in a more conversational tone than other writing types might.

Voice search includes four key elements:

  • Info. People are always trying to find specific information using question-based queries such as, “What is the baseball game score?” or “Why isn’t my tv working?” Adding frequently asked questions (FAQs) to your website typically work best because they speak directly to the searchers’ needs.
  • Local. It is common for these searches to end with the phrase “near me.” For example, someone might ask, “Where can I get tomato plants near me?” It’s important to have your Google My Business (GMB) page set up to remain competitive for these types of local voice search questions. Google ranks results based on the distance from the searcher and reviews available on Google My Business. It’s essential to have your GMB profile filled out completely to ensure the search engines work in your favor.
  • Assistance. Those searching for assistance need help with a particular task. They might want the convenience of setting the timer for their ovens or turning on music.
  • Entertainment. Many individuals searching for entertainment-based information are looking for TV shows, movies, and other must-know details on events, start times for the big game, and more.

Voice search plays a significant role in SEO ranking. Featured snippets are incredibly important when it comes to helping people find what they’re looking for. Ensure your content (including your snippets) is written in a way that makes logical sense to people searching for answers using voice search.

Important Voice Search Tips

The first place to start is by making sure your content is ranking as high as possible in the search engine results pages (SERPs). When you create snippets, provide simple, short, and direct answers for commonly asked questions that can be found within your content. Keep these tips in mind when writing for voice search:

  • Write two- to three-sentence solutions that satisfy searchers’ questions.
  • Pretend you’re the one searching for the information in question and ensure the snippet you see in the SERP answer box makes sense.
  • Create easy-to-scan, bulleted lists.
  • Add tables where applicable to categorize information and make it easier to digest at a glance.

When you’re doing your research, be sure to look at the “People also ask…” section of the SERPs. This will give you an idea of keyword variants you can use as you’re creating your content.

Voice Search Optimization Services at ZGM

You must seek out quality keyword opportunities that have a solid chance of ranking first overall. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re aiming for the highest search volume keywords; instead, you want decent search visibility with low keyword difficulty. Niche keywords mark the sweet spot, and if you can figure out what ones relate to your brand, you’re more likely to grab the attention of qualified leads.

Are you looking for an agency that can help you hone your Voice Search Optimization strategy? Zero Gravity Marketing is here to help you change the way your audience finds you. Contact us today!