Social media marketing is an essential tool in the advertising tool kit. It offers businesses an excellent way to connect directly with their target audience through platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and others. However, while social media marketing offers a number of exceptional benefits when done independently of other marketing efforts, it risks falling flat.
Instead, social media marketing needs the support of a larger Digital Marketing effort. When multiple avenues of advertising run seamlessly together, it amplifies the potential of all ad branches.
As a full-service digital marketing agency, Zero Gravity Marketing has all the tools to support your social media initiatives. Here are some of the things you can do to ensure that you create the proper synergy among your marketing efforts.
Traditional Marketing
The notion of traditional marketing being dead is a bit premature. People still open magazines and turn on the television. They watch live programming and listen to the radio. Have some previous users switched to non-traditional means, such as visiting news websites and streaming television programming? Sure. But a business can still connect with a wide audience base through these traditional avenues.
The importance of traditional marketing will vary from one business to the next. It depends heavily on the target audience. However, when taking advantage of traditional marketing it is critical to maintain brand recognition and continue the look of social media advertising into the traditional realm.
Someone watching a television commercial spot needs to instantly recognize it as the same company they saw advertise on Facebook. When Nike creates an ad, it doesn’t matter what medium the company selects. Every ad shares a similar visual approach: the same type of font, the same color tone, and the same logo. This way, no matter where a viewer is, whether scrolling through Twitter or driving down the highway, an ad is instantly recognizable.
Your Content
With so many voices online today, it’s easy to become drowned out. That’s why a business needs to establish itself as an expert in its field. Because in reality, if the business isn’t an expert, why should a customer trust them?
One of the best ways to expand customer outreach and utilize SEO is to write a blog. Blog posts instantly add an additional backlink to the main website while adding another page on search engines to help draw in traffic.
Once your content is created, use social media to spread the word. Whether you post organically or utilize paid social media advertising, social media gets your message further into the hands of your target audience.
All roads lead to Rome. Every form of advertising needs to take a potential client somewhere. In business, this means leading audiences to your website. A company website is the capital of all advertising. Social media marketing and print advertisements alike need to include website information and links. Regardless of the source, it needs to lead to the website.
Because your website is at the center of your marketing efforts, it’s important to ensure that it is optimized so that information is easily found. It is equally as important to employ a good web designer to keep your website fresh, current, and looking its best.
Just as all roads should lead to your website, it’s beneficial to link your website back to your social media so that customers can stay up to date with your business. Do this by adding social media icons to your page and be sure that they are linking through to your current platforms.
It Isn’t Just About Social Media
Social media marketing remains one of the best ways to interact with a target audience. However, when used on its own, it lacks the punch and staying power of a well-rounded marketing approach. By maintaining a universal appearance and spreading the advertising word across channels like blogs, websites, traditional advertising, and other methods, it increases the ROI of any advertising department while boosting leads and sales numbers of the company as a whole. It is also imperative to combine your organic social media efforts with Paid social media, in order to get more engagement with your target audience.
For any business ready to undertake a larger marketing approach, now is the perfect time to contact our team at ZGM. We provide an individualized approach for every company, designed specifically for their target audience and advertising budget. We understand the role that social media plays in the larger marketing scheme and have all of the departments under one roof to facilitate putting all of the pieces together. Our expertise is just a phone call away.